martes, 19 de junio de 2012

The giant human skeleton hoax

A new skeleton indeed was found in India before a couple of years ago, and it looks like a giant human, this was a terrorific but interesting fact , in the pictures they look like some people that have past away but the size of their body it's significantly bigger than ours, they also said that they used to eat only vegetables and their where very peaceful in their 'towns'.

But some people are creating confusion and spreading false information.
Some time ago there was discovery of Homo Floresiensis ,a smaller type of human species.This was a amazing discovery that would make a huge impact in the theory of the evolution, but this pictures of a much bigger 'human' it's a lie because those photos that have been downloaded in the pages, on the internet have been altered using editing pro programs by specialists in this area.
This are the following errors in the pictures:

  1.  In the image where the skeleton is lying around with a bulldozer near its head, the head is clearly not in place where it should be. 
  2. It is modified to fit in that square pit in picture.
  3.  Also the surrounding green area in second picture is absent in first picture.
  4. In the second picture, the head looks at different place than the first one.
  5. In third picture, the guy sitting there is not somebody you can find digging in a village in remote Northeast. He looks Caucasian with a cowboy hat. 
  6. Also the skeleton in this picture is lying with legs folded on a VERTICAL wall, very different from that in the first two pictures where the skeleton is lying on ground with legs stretched .

-Paola García and Daniela Cova

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