martes, 19 de junio de 2012

My experiences in the school

I have been in this school for 7 years, i have learn a lot and i know that the knowledge and speriences in school are going to be in my mind for many many years and i know that my friends (the ones who stay there until the last minute on the last day, in the last year of school) will be there for me a lot of time after school, because they teach me (and i hope i teach them to) how to preserve and make stronger my friendships. 

This year in particular started weird because my best friend had to leave the school, the other got a boyfriend in the classroom (so she leave me to), and one of the three actually stay with me and we have been inseparable and now that I'm finishing the year i realize that i have more friends that in the beginning and that means that this year went really good and i have more people that would stay more years in my life, so I'm grateful for that and for them... :)

-Paola García

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